Quoting of the Bible Books
Example |
Meaning |
Lk 3:24 |
The Gospel of Luke, chapter three, verse twenty-four |
Gen 2:18, 20 |
Genesis, chapter two, verses eighteen and twenty |
1 Chr 24:1-19 |
First Chronicles, chapter twenty-four, verses one through nineteen |
1 Kings 4,2-6.9 |
First Kings, chapter four, verses two through six, including verse nine |
Rom 4-6 |
Romans, chapters four through six |
Jn 5:12-6,3 |
The Gospel of John, chapter five, verse twelve, through chapter six, verse three |
1 Thess 2:17; 3:6-10 |
First Thessalonians, chapter two, verse seventeen and chapter three, verses six through ten |
Bible Book Abbreviations
OT |
Gen, Ex, Lev, Num, Deut, Josh, Judg, Ruth, 1-2 Sam, 1-2 Kgs, 1-2 Chr, Ezra, Neh, Esth, Job, Ps/Pss, Prov, Eccl, Song, Isa, Jer, Lam, Ezek, Dan, Hos, Joel, Am, Ob, Jon, Mic, Nah, Hab, Zeph, Hag, Zech, Mal |
NT |
Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn, Acts, Rom, 1-2 Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, 1-2 Thess, 1-2 Tim, Tit, Philem, Heb, Jas, 1-2 Pet, 1-2-3 Jn, Jude, Rev |
Instructions for References and citations
1. Books
1.1 Single author
Reference |
Arthur, Kay. 1998. Kako proučavati Bibliju. Osijek: Izvori. |
In-text citation |
(Arthur 1998, 54) |
1.2 Author plus editor
Reference |
Frangeš, Ivo. 2005. Riječ što traje: Književne studije i rasprave. Ed. Dunja Fališevac i Krešimir Nemec. Zagreb: Školska knjiga. |
In-text citation |
(Frangeš 2005, 92) |
1.3 Translated book
Reference |
Franzen, August. 2004. Pregled povijesti crkve. Trans. Josip Ritig. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost. |
In-text citation |
(Franzen 2004, 45) |
1.4 Editor or translator in place of an author
Reference |
Jovanović, Mladen, ed. 2009. Prigni uho svoje. Zagreb: Biblijski institut. |
In-text citation |
(Jovanović 2009, 20) |
1.5 Two authors
Reference |
Ellingworth, Paul, and Eugene Albert Nida. 1994. A Handbook on the Letter to the Hebrews. New York: United Bible Societies. |
In-text citation |
(Ellingworth and Nida 1994, 68) |
1.6 Three authors
Reference |
Friberg, Timothy, Barbara Friberg, and Neva F. Miller. 2000. Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament. BGNTL. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. |
In-text citation |
(Friberg, Friberg, and Miller 2000, 144) |
1.7 More than three authors
Reference |
Gračanin, Hrvoje, Zrinka Nikolić Jakus, Borislav Grgin, Nataša Štefanec, Hrvoje Petrić, Drago Roksandić, Krešimir Regan, Željko Holjevac, Zoran Grijak, and Ivo Goldstein. 2012. Povijest grada Zagreba: Knjiga 1. Od prethistorije do 1918. Ed. Ivo Goldstein and Slavko Goldstein. Zagreb: Novi Liber. |
In-text citation |
(Gračanin et. al. 2012, 125) |
1.8 More works of the same author
Reference |
Klaić, Nada. 1975. Povijest Hrvata u ranom srednjem vijeku. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.
———. 1976. Povijest Hrvata u razvijenom srednjem vijeku. Zagreb: Školska knjiga. |
In-text citation |
(Klaić 1975, 115)
(Klaić 1976, 46) |
1.9 More works of the same author published in the same year
Reference |
Klaić, Nada. 1987a. Koprivnica u srednjem vijeku. Koprivnica: Centar za kulturu, OOUR Muzej grada Koprivnice.
———. 1987b. Medvedgrad i njegovi gospodari. Zagreb: Globus. |
In-text citation |
(Klaić 1975, 115)
(Klaić 1976, 46) |
1.10 More authors with the same last name
Reference |
Klaić, Nada. 1982. Povijest Zagreba. Zagreb: Liber.
Klaić, Vjekoslav. 1930. Hrvati i Hrvatska: Ime Hrvat u povijesti slavenskih naroda. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska. |
In-text citation |
(Klaić 1975, 115)
(Klaić 1976, 46) |
1.11 Book without the name of the author
Reference |
Title. Year. Place: Publisher. |
In-text citation |
(Title year, pg. no.) |
1.12 Corporative author (institution, society, etc.)
Reference |
Mednarodna teološka komisija. 1993. Eshatološka vprašanja. Ljubljana: Družina. |
In-text citation |
(Mednarodna teološka komisija 1993, 12) |
1.13 Volume with an independent title
Reference |
Jedin, Hubert, ed. 1972. Od praopćine do ranokršćanske velecrkve. Trans. Josip Ritig and Vjekoslav Bajsić. Vol. 1., Velika povijest Crkve. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost. |
In-text citation |
(Jedin 1972, 167) |
1.14 Volume without an independent title or if there are several volumes bound into one book
If a volume with an independent title is quoted, its number is cited in the reference list as follows: Vol. 2. (second volume) or Vol. 3. (third volume), etc. It is not necessary to specify the volume number in parenthetical citations. However, if a multiple-volume book is quoted, then it is not cited as Vol. following a number in the reference list, but is written as follows: 2 Vol. (two volumes), 4 Vol. (four Volumes), etc. In this case, the parenthetical citation must include the number of the quoted volume followed by a colon and then followed by the page number without a space.
Reference |
Hodge, Charles. 1946. Systematic Theology. Vol. 2. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. |
In-text citation |
(Hodge 1946, 257) |
Reference |
Williams, J. Rodman. 1996. Renewal Theology: Systematic Theology from a Charismatic Perspective. 3 vols. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. |
In-text citation |
(Williams 1996, 2:158) |
1.15 Chapter or other part of an edited book
Reference |
Štefanec, Nataša. 2015. “The Adaptable Religious Politics on the Zrinski Estates during the Reformation.” In: The Reformation in the Croatian Historical Lands: Research Results, Challenges, Perspectives, eds. Zrinka Blažević, Stanko Jambrek and Nataša Štefanec, 263-282. Zagreb: Biblijski institut. |
In-text citation |
(Štefanec 2015, 272) |
1.16 Collection of works
Reference |
Rebić, Adalbert. 2018. “Antun Sović, osporavani prevoditelj Biblije.” In: Zbornik radova znanstvenog simpozija: Tko su bili hrvatski prevoditelji Biblije, Zagreb 2013., ed. Danijel Berković, 131-144. Zagreb: Biblijski institut. |
In-text citation |
(Rebić 2018, 134) |
1.17 Article in a reference work (wordbook, encyclopedia, manual, lexicon)
Well-known encyclopedias and handbooks (printed and online) as well as the Bible are usually not cited in the reference list but only in the parenthetical citation. In case they are critical for the author’s arguments, they should be cited in the reference list as a book with a title instead of an author (see 1.11). Dictionaries and lexicons are cited like books: if there is a single author, they are written as a book with one author (see 1.1), but if there are multiple authors or editors, then they are quoted as a book with a title instead of an author (see 1.11). In parenthetical citations, instead of specifying the page number, the abbreviation s. v. is used (lat. sub verbo – under the word) or s. vv. (lat. sub verbis – under the words) for multiple articles, and the item is written with quotation marks.
Reference |
Hrvatska enciklopedija. 2000. Vol. 2. Ed. Dalibor Brozović. Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža. |
In-text citation |
(Hrvatska enciklopedija 2000, s. v. “crkva”) |
Reference |
Hrvatska enciklopedija, mrežno izdanje. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2013 – 2024. https://www.enciklopedija.hr/clanak/psaltir (accessed February 29, 2022). |
In-text citation |
(Hrvatska enciklopedija, mrežno izdanje, s. v. “psaltir”) |
In dictionaries and lexicons, articles or items can have separate authors. In this case, the article can be cited as part of the edited book (see 1.15).
Reference |
Fučić, Branko. 2006. “Navještenje.” In: Leksikon ikonografije liturgike i simbolike zapadnog kršćanstva, ed. Anđeklo Badurina, 451-456. 5th ed. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost. |
In-text citation |
(Fučić 2006, 452) |
1.18 Reprint
In the reference list, the original publication date is written at the end in parenthesis with the abbreviation Orig. pub. (original publishing) and there is no period at the end of the citation. In parenthetical citations, the original publication date is not written.
Reference |
Fučić, Branko. 2006. “Navještenje.” In: Leksikon ikonografije liturgike i simbolike zapadnog kršćanstva, ed. Anđeklo Badurina, 451-456. 5th ed. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost. |
In-text citation |
(Fučić 2006, 452) |
If the book is a first print of a historical manuscript, then it is cited the same as a reprint, but instead of using the abbreviation Orig. pub., the abbreviation Orig. ms. (original manuscript) is used. In parenthetical citations, the original publication date is not written.
Reference |
Vranić, Antun. 2017. Psalmi. Ed. Danijel Berković. Zagreb: Biblijski institut. (Orig. ms. 1816.) |
In-text citation |
(Vranić 2017, 47) |
1.19 Unknown date of publication
If the publication date is not known, the Latin abbreviation s.a. is used (sine anno – without year).
Reference |
Surname, Name. s. a. Title. Place: Publisher. |
In-text citation |
(Surname s. a., pg. no.) |
If the publication date is not specified, but the author believes that he knows the date, it is stated in square brackets with a question mark after the date.
Reference |
Surname, Name. [2013?]. Title. Place: Publisher. |
In-text citation |
(Surname [year?], pg. no.) |
1.20 Place of publication
If the publisher is located in two or more places, and these places of publication are stated, only the first place should be written in the reference list. For example: Cambridge University Press is located in Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paolo, Delhi, Mexico City. Hence, in reference should be written:
- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
If there are two or more publishers located in different locations, the publishers should be written in the following order: 1st location: 1st publisher; 2nd location: 2nd publisher:
- Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost; Split: Verbum.
1.21 Unknown place of publication
If the place of publication is unknown, abbreviation “s. l.” (Lat. sine loco = without the place) should be used.
- Surname, Name. Year. Title. s. l.: Publisher.
If the place of publishing is not certain but only assumed, the assumed place of publication is written in square brackets followed by a question mark.
- Surname, Name. Year. Title. [Place?]: Publisher.
1.22 Unknown publisher
If the publisher is unknown, abbreviation “s. n.” (Lat. sine nomine = without the name) should be used.
- Surname, Name. Year. Title. Place: s. n.
If the publisher is unknown for certain but is assumed, the assumed publisher is written in square brackets with a question mark.
- Surname, Name. Year. Title. Place: [Publisher?].
For books printed before 1900, only the place of publication needs to be cited without the publisher. If both the place of publication and publisher are unknown, they are omitted.
Reference |
Šulek, Bogoslav. 1889. Psalmi Davidovi. Budimpešta. |
In-text citation |
(Šulek 1889, 31) |
Reference |
Radić, Antun. 1871. Ruska škola. |
In-text citation |
(Radić 1871, 26) |
1.23 Publisher
If there are more publishers from the same place, they are connected like this example:
- Matica hrvatska and Bogoslovni institut.
1.24 Electronic book (e-reader, e-book, e-library)
E-books are cited in the same way printed books are, with the type of the e-reader included at the end of the citation (Kindle, Rocket e-book, Kobo, etc.). In parenthetical citations, the chapter number (chap.) or the location (loc.) is written instead of the page number (e-readers usually have text location written on the screen). Online e-books are cited the same way printed books are including the URL address and the access date in round brackets.
Reference |
Oman, Charles. 2017. The Byzantine Empire. Serapis Classics. Kindle. |
In-text citation |
(Oman 2017, loc. 167) |
Reference |
Austen, Jane. 2007. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics. Kindle. |
In-text citation |
(Austen 2007, chap. 3) |
Reference |
O’Donnel, James J. 1995. Cassiodorus. University of California Press. https://faculty.georgetown.edu/jod/texts/cassbook/toc.html (accessed July 12, 2023). |
In-text citation |
(O’Donnel 1995, chap. 4) |
2. Articles
2.1 Journal articles
Reference |
Olson, Oliver K. 2008. “Matija Vlačić i Biblijski zavod u Urachu.” Kairos: Evanđeoski teološki časopis 2, no. 2: 241-247. |
In-text citation |
(Olson 2008, 245) |
Reference |
Dragena, Mihai. 2022. “Legitimno i nelegitimno proricanje u srednjovjekovnim spisima.” Croatica Christiana periodica 46, no. 89: 41-57. https://doi.org/10.53745/ccp.46.89.3 |
In-text citation |
(Dragena 2022, 44) |
2.2 Online articles
Articles in online journals are quoted in the same way as printed journals are, but including the URL address and access date in round brackets at the end of the citation. In parenthetical citations, only the author’s surname and year are written.
Reference |
Bronić, Josip. 2002. “Učenje na daljinu: osvrt na iskustva u prijenosu predavanja putem interneta uživo.” Edupoint 2, no. 5. http://edupoint.carnet.hr/casopis/broj-05/clanak-03/index.html#2 (accessed June 30, 2007). |
In-text citation |
(Bronić 2002) |
If the article does not have page numbers indicated, a short comment can be written in a parenthetical citation about the location of the text (name of section, paragraph, title, subtitle). For example: see under “…..”
Reference |
Pope, Hugh. 1909. “Faith.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05752c.htm (accessed January 10, 2008). |
In-text citation |
(Pope 1909, see under “Motives of credibility: b”) |
2.3 Newspaper article (with the name of the author, without the name of the author, online)
Reference |
Tomić, Ante. 2007. “Klasa optimist.” Jutarnji list. December 8, 2007. |
In-text citation |
(Tomić 2007) |
Reference |
Nacional. 2007. “Otpusno pismo.” December 17, 2007. |
In-text citation |
(Nacional 2007) |
Reference |
Ivanjek, Željko. 2017. “Prva ozbiljna čitanka Slamnigovog opusa.” Jutarnji list. May 29, 2017. http://www.jutarnji.hr/kultura/knjizevnost/prva-ozbiljna-citanka-slamnigova-opusa-njegove-su-pjesme-jos-uvijek-jednako-autenticne-i-antologijske-jer-cuvaju-stare-govore/6314878/ (accessed May 20, 2018). |
In-text citation |
(Ivanjek 2017) |
3. Other
3.1 Doctoral or master thesis
Reference |
Barišić, Anto. 2010. “Kristološki teandrizam u misli i djelu Tomislava Janka Šagi-Bunića.” PhD diss., Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. |
In-text citation |
(Barišić 2010, 56) |
Reference |
Duvnjak, Neven. 2001. “Katolička crkva u Hrvatskoj i problem pravednog socijalnog poretka.” Master’s thesis, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. |
In-text citation |
(Duvnjak 2001, 44) |
3.2 Presentation at a scientific conference
Reference |
Nikolić, Zrinka. 2004. “Obitelji zadarskih nadbiskupa od 12. do 14. stoljeća.” Presentation at a scientific conference Sedamnaest stoljeća zadarske Crkve, Zadar, November 16-18, 2004. |
In-text citation |
(Nikolić 2004) |
3.3 Book review
Reference |
Lujić, Božo. 2019. Review of Utjecaj i značenje kralja Davida u Prvoj knjizi Ljetopisa by Stjepan Rusan. Bogoslovska smotra 89, no. 3: 791-794. |
In-text citation |
(Lujić 2019, 792) |
3.4 Websites
Reference |
D’Angour, Armand. 2021. “The Song of Seikilos: A Musically Notated Ancient Greek Poem.” Antigone Journal. https://antigonejournal.com/2021/12/song-of-seikilos/ (accessed October 14, 2022). |
In-text citation |
(D’Angour 2021) |
Reference |
Biblijski institut. 2021. “Novi ciklus predavanja iz područja Novog zavjeta.” https://www.bizg.hr/novost/novi-ciklus-predavanja-iz-podrucja-novog-zavjeta/ (accessed June 30, 2021). |
In-text citation |
(Biblijski institut 2021) |
Reference |
Centar biblijskih istraživanja. S. a. „Hrvatski psaltir.” http://cbi.bizg.hr/hr/hrvatski-psaltir/o-projektu-hrvatski-psaltir/ (accessed June 30, 2017). |
In-text citation |
(Centar biblijskih istraživanja s. a.) |
Reference |
Brlić-Mažuranić, Ivana. 2002. Priče iz davnine: 1. dio. Ed. Helena Bulaja. CD-ROM. Zagreb: Naklada Bulaja. |
In-text citation |
(Brlić-Mažuranić 2002) |
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