About the Journal

Name: Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology

Language:  English


Editor in chief: Ervin Budiselić PhD, ebudiselic@bizg.hr, orcid.org/0000-0003-1743-4203

Assistant editorDalibor Kraljik PhD, dalibor.kraljik@evtos.hr, orcid.org/0000-0002-7163-8568

SecretaryŽeljka Strejček, zstrejcek@bizg.hr

ISSN 1846-4580 (Print English edition)

ISSN 1848-2503 (Online English edition)

UDK 27-1/277

Journal DOI  Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology – https://doi.org/10.32862/k

Scientific Area: humanities; Field: theology

Category: A2 journal according to the Croatian Regulations on Requirements for the Appointment to Scientific Ranks

Publication frequency: two issues per year 

Email: kairos@bizg.hr

Aim and Scope

Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology is a Croatian scientific journal that addresses biblical, theological and religious topics. Kairos publishes works in various disciplines: biblical studies, biblical theology, systematic theology, applied theology, church history and Christian ethics, as well as book reviews. With its content, Kairos intends to contribute a biblical and theological perspective to discussions in academia, church and society primarily in Croatian and European contexts, but also beyond.

Indexing and Referencing

The journal is indexed in:

  1. Academic Journals Database / 2012
  2. Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) / 2012
  3. Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) / 2012
  4. Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) / 2020
  5. Digital Collections National and University Library in Zagreb / 2020
  6. ERIH PLUS / 2020
  7. Religious & Theological Abstracts (Myerstwon, USA) / 2010
  8. HRČAK – Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia / 2007

*By publishing your article in our scholarly journal Kairos: Evanđeoski teološki časopis, your article will automatically be published in English in Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, which has been indexed in the Scopus database since May 2024.